Monday, January 19, 2009

School Days... School Days...

Well, I haven't blogged since Christmas, but I'm sure you are all tired of reading Christmas blogs, so I will just say Christmas was the BOMB. It was wonderful to be with family and take a break from life for a while. After the BIG DAY, we went up to the house my parents have in New Harmony, Utah. We played in the snow, built stuff with legos, spent and ENTIRE DAY (I kid you not) down in the basement, playing Mario 64. By the way, Matt beat the game a few days later, and is still recovering from it.

So we got back and had a whole 2 weeks of no work and no school. So what do we do? We take advantage of it. We stayed up til at least 3 AM each night(/morning?) And never saw the light of day before 10:30 AM. Needless to say, we felt like absolute bums after that. So we quit.

School has started. It's my first time back in over a year. But my classes are AWESOME. I am majoring in Graphic Design. So I have all art classes. They are so fun. It's really not like school at all. I get to take pictures, develop them on my own, draw, paint, draw some more, sculpt, draw, bend things out of metal, and NEVER READ A BOOK!!! Not that I don't like to read.... I am really a reading fanatic. But textbooks? No one learned anything from one of those.......


Wadsworths said...

I wish school was like that for me!

Pamela Williams said...

good for you! im glad someone has the persistence i didnt...i didnt know you liked art! i was way into it, but its so competitve and no one is willing to pay for it so i changed my major, but i still paint :D im so glad you decided to pursue it though! i can live vicariously through you