When you
skip a few weeks of blogging, the pictures and stories really pile up.
So please bear with me as we get through this post.
Before Addy's baths, she fold us her pajamas and puts them on her bed. I think it's freaking adorable. |
The girls really love to play horsey with daddy. I love the way Bryn snuggles up with daddy and sticks her feet in his pockets. |
So I made a goal back in October to Index 1000 names, and arbitrate 3000. Wow. Then I got pregnant and there went all desire to look at a computer screen. So right before the RootsTech conference, I decided to start indexing again. That's when I saw the goal I set. I had thousands to do. So the first picture is after a day of serious indexing and the next picture is 2 days later. Whew. It was a marathon.
We made tiny donuts for FHE one night. The girls did a great job decorating the donuts/eating the sprinkles. |
My first bump selfie. 17+ weeks. |
So as I mentioned before, I went to the RootsTech conference in SLC with my mom. We had a whole weekend in SLC to ourselves to learn all the things about family history. It was awesome. So here's a few pictures of our weekend:
Tiny hot chocolate and biscotti after our amazing meal at Valter's Osteria. So good. |
My mom is the indexing queen of the world. Seriously. She's awesome. |
I never ate at The Lion House before until this weekend. It was great. So was this soda. |
We took a trip to Ikea. Those carts are so stupid. My mom decided that it was easier to push it like this. |
Kolby, my little sister's friend took me to Bruges to get a Belgian waffle covered in all the things possible. It was also Valentine's Day. He was very kind. :) |
This is the day I got back. I missed my little twerps. |
Here's the ultrasound where we found out that we are having a little BOY! Oh no. |
My mom and I picked up this awesome mug in SLC. It is adorable. |
This little Spiderman lover was so excited that she finished all of her lunch that she insisted that I take a picture to send to daddy. |
Lounging in Walmart. |
And also hanging out in the tires in Costco. |
We went shooting somewhere outside of Blackfoot and as we were looking for a good place to set up shooting camp (?) we found this horrendous pit of death. Gross, eh?
The girls loved having their lunches outside. |
Kolby was a great pigeon flinger. |
We went to the archery range for mutual one night. Everyone had a blast! |
We met daddy in Pocatello to grab some lunch. The girls were so excited to see him. |
Those last two pics go great together. Haha Matt came home with 2 boxes of this magical nostalgic cereal for me. He is so good. |
So that's it from the last few weeks. Aaaaand that's all she wrote. And it is, coincidentally, all I wrote, too.